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Carpenter Ants, How to Prevent Your Home from them

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Carpenter ants get their name from their nest building. Unlike termites, carpenter ants do not eat wood, but they create tunnels and galleries inside wood to establish a safe place to create their nests. This activity can cause support beams to weaken and can lead to all sorts of problems.

Carpenter ants vary in size and can be anywhere from ½” to ⅝” long. While black carpenter ants are common, these pests may be a combination of black and red, or completely black, red or brown. For instance, a leaky or sweating pipe may be creating moisture in wall voids. which is undetectable to you and perfect conditions for carpenter ants.

They will excavate the moist or rotten wood to create a new sub-colony, therefore compromising the integrity of the structure. Here is the easiest way to get rid of carpenter ants:

Treat the Ant Nest

If you have determined that you do, indeed, have a carpenter ant infestation in your home, it’s time to treat the Ant Nest:

1- Locate the nests by following the well-defined trails of the foraging ants at dusk or after dark. The ants will be going in both directions, and those moving toward the nest may be carrying insects or bug parts for food. Carpenter ant nests may be outside the home in a tree stump or near an entrance/crack into a home.

2- Treat outdoor nests by spraying a pyrethrin aerosol directly into the nest for at least 10 seconds. If a nest is within a wall void, drill a 1/8-inch hole and spray the same pyrethrin product through an injection straw. If you prefer a less-toxic treatment, you can “puff” diatomaceous Earth or silica gel into outside nests; be sure to wear a dust mask to avoid inhaling the product.

3- Repeat the treatment if the carpenter ants are still present in the home after two weeks. 

4- If you need a professional to get rid of carpenter ants from your house, Top Line Pest Control is at your service. Just Contact Us and we will do our best to solve your problem.

Ants are one of the most annoying pests that extremely difficult to deal with. Even professionals sometimes find it difficult to deal with these pests. You need to apply several special treatments to get rid of these pests. In this article, we are going to discuss how you could prevent the infestation of carpenter ants in your home.

Prevent the Carpenter Ants from Returning

1- Now that you have eliminated the carpenter ants, the next step is to prevent the ants from returning. Here are some steps you can take to keep out new populations:Seal all cracks and gaps on the home’s exterior, including pipe and other wall penetrations.

2- Dry up leaks outside and inside the home and repair or replace any moisture-damaged wood.

3- Chip stumps in the yard, ensuring that the wood debris is mulched or located far away from the home.

4- Locate firewood piles away from the home, so that they do not touch the home or garage wall.

5- Trim tree branches so that they do not touch the exterior walls or roof.

6- Maintain a clearance of 6 inches between wood siding and the soil to ensure that the siding does not wick moisture from the ground and provide ants another route into the home.

7- Lastly, you should keep your home clean, especially your kitchen and garage areas and remove any clutters that can be a nesting area for the carpenter ants.

Carpenter Ants Control Services

Carpenter ants can damage a structure for years and years without being detected, which can result in costly repairs. They dig tunnels to make nests and they multiply. Then, they dig more tunnels to make more nests… And the cycle goes on and on. 

If you need help getting rid of carpenter ants, or you simply want to know for sure that you don’t have these little destroyers eating away at your equity, reach out to Top line pest control today. We’ll take care of all that for you.

Ants are responsible for a lot of structural damage in your home as these pets eat woods. Hence, it is very much essential to keep these pests away from your home. The minute you noticed a carpenter ant, it is necessary to call a professional pest control services provider in your area. But, the question is, how you could prevent ants from entering your home.

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