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Stink Bugs-What attracts them and what risks do they pose?

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Stink bugs are a notorious bunch among all crawling insects due to their unpleasant smell. Though they don’t pose any known health risk to either people or animals they emit a very unpleasant smell that can leave your fingers smelly for a long time if you touch them. Below is a list of conditions that attract stink bugs into your home:

Stink bugs are mainly attracted by the light and some juicy fruits to eat so make sure to turn lights when they are not in use and place ripe fruits away from places that stink bugs can easily get into.

Stink bugs can be a headache because they produce a pungent smell that is meant to ward off predators which includes you. If you ever rub them on the wrong side you are likely to end up with smelly fingers. They use the same smell to attract other bugs of the same species so it’s easy for them to multiply if you get one in your house.

Lights are the major cause of stink bugs. During winter stink bugs usually crawl into houses in search of warmth. They are attracted by the lights and can get in through any open space including cracks, unrepaired ventilation places or even using your door like any other guest.

Shrubs and fruit trees are also another cause of stink bugs.

Untrimmed shrubs and trees are a perfect habitat for those stinky creatures. They hide perfectly well in such areas so it is better to trim your shrubs and trees to keep stink bugs at bay

Besides following the light into your house, stink bugs can also be transported through goods and belongings. They can cling onto your shopping bag, fruit hampers received from a neighbour or relative, or even your clothes.

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Ways to prevent stink bugs

Stink bugs are usually attracted by lights into your home so make sure to turn off lights when you go to sleep. If possible, turn off porch lights and close window blinds so that there won’t be any streak of light that’s left to lure the bugs.

Stink bugs can enter through any opening so make sure to immediately repair broken or torn screens, doors, or meshes. You can also make use of door sweeps just to be safe

Fruits are the main culprits. Stink bugs usually like feasting on fruits lying idly on fruit trays usually on top of tables or fruit racks. Make sure to eliminate possible food sources that can attract the bugs into your home.

Make sure to ventilate your area properly to avoid the bugs making their shelter in hidden areas. Basements, attics and garages are the most harborage points. Use a humidifier in such places if possible and install screens on chimney and attic vents to prevent them from coming in.

Since these bugs can be transported, it is wise to check your belongings first before leaving for your place. Check your shopping bags, clothes and goodies you receive to see if there are no stinky bugs hiding inside

Also make sure to check yourself especially your head after passing through shrubby areas or after trimming trees. A bug or two might be clinging onto you.

Keep trees and shrubs well trimmed to avoid them from harboring bugs. Stinky bugs can also take shelter in stored firewood so don’t keep firewood near the house.

How to handle stink bugs

Don’t squish the stink bugs! If you ever find one in your home  use a vacuum to clean the place and make sure to empty the vacuum bag as soon as possible to avoid the stink staying in the bag. Squishing the bug will make it produce that unpopular smell you don’t want to experience so its better to use a vacuum and dispose of the bugs at a place far away the house.

Since stink bugs are attracted to light, you can use that to your advantage to get rid of them. If your house is already infested then you can use a light to lead them into a trap.

You can buy pesticides for crawling insects and spray it in affected areas in order to get rid of the bugs.

If the bugs persist then you need to call your local pest control services to come and deal with them.

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