Controlling Pavement Ants One of the Most Common Insect Pests

Likely arriving on soil in cargo ships, pavement ants (Tetramorium caespitum) were introduced in the United States of America a hundred years ago. These dark brown to black small ants nest in cracks in pavements, sidewalks and building foundations. This ant species is not structurally damaging but can be a big problem if not treated properly.

Identification and Behavior

Pavement ants are known for their size (2.5 to 4 mm) and the distinct parallel lines on their head and thorax. They gather in visible trails and prefer to enter buildings through cracks and holes. Sugary substances, grease, and other food residues make kitchens and pantries prime targets; however, pavement ants can also look in homes for food.

Damage to Homes

Even though pavement ants do not cause structural damage like carpenter ants or termites, gathering can contaminate food. They can become a serious nuisance, especially during warmer months, and their nesting activities often give rise to unsightly piles of displaced soil along sidewalks, driveways, and even indoors. 

Effective Pest Control Strategies

Control of pavement ants involves the following:

  1. Inspection and Identification: 

Inspect and identify pavement ants by watching for trails, nests and gathering activity around your property.

  1. Sanitation: 

Keep your environment clean. Store all food in sealed containers, clean up spills and crumbs immediately, take the trash out on a regular basis and do not allow pet food to sit out for long periods.

  1. Exclusion: 

To prevent ants from entering the place, fill the cracks and gaps around the foundation, windows, and doors. Weather stripping and caulk can be applied to seal all the entrance sites.

  1. Baiting and Treatment: 

Pavement and infestation can be best controlled through baiting. Use baits that make them gather and are most likely drawn to; they are awaited back at the nest following the collection of the poisoned bait. Sprays containing pesticides could also be applied, yet this should involve extensive caution by taking all precautionary measures.

  1. Professional Pest Control: 

When the problem is at a large scale, one must seek professional services because of their targeting treatments and long-term solutions to cure and prevent ant problems.


Pavement ants, as tiny as they are, are a tremendous source of irritation if they get out of hand. Knowledge of their habits and the use of effective control methods described above set your house free from these unwanted visitors. 

Periodic maintenance, cleanliness, and effective pest management work pretty well against them. If the infestation is really extreme, then it is best to seek the services of a professional pest control service. Their help will drive the pavement ants away. 
Are you tired of dealing with pesky pavement ants invading your home? Then, contact Top Line Pest Control today for effective and professional pest control solutions! Your home can be pest-free without any worries.