Tired of Racoons See the Top 5 Tips for Raccoon Control

Raccoons are magnificent creatures that almost look like little bandits in black masks. However, they become very destructive or even pose health hazards if they get into human space. It is crucial to treat them on time for a healthy living space. Go through the following effective tips for raccoon control

1. Secure Trash and Food Sources

The raccoon is an opportunistic feeder, meaning they just go straight to your garbage for an easy meal. To eliminate this, do the following:

  • Use strong, raccoon-resistant garbage cans having a tight-fitting lid on top.
  • Store the cans in some safe location, such as a garage or shed, until collection day.
  • Do not allow pet food and bird seed to remain outdoors overnight.

2. Eliminate Shelter Opportunities

Raccoons will den in any dark, warm, and safe location. They are thus intrinsically bound to be a nuisance visit into the attics, crawl spaces, and under the decks in your home. The following are ways to keep them from entering your property:

  • After gaining access to your home, seal all the entry points. This involves the chimneys, vents, and holes along the roofline.  
  • Use mesh screens and metal flashing to cover the access points.
  • Be aware that wood stacks or dense vegetation are examples of lean-to-shelter spaces on the side of your home.

3. Repellents and Deterrents

Some of these repellents will help you carry away raccoons:

  • Chemical Repellents: Spray the liquid around the perimeter of your yard and any entry points. 
  • Motion-Activated Sprinklers: Those work to scare raccoons by sudden bursts of sprinkling water, turning it on with motion.
  • Light and Sound: Motion-activated lights and noise devices will scare the raccoons at night.

4. Physical Barrier

  • Fencing: A four-foot-high fence with an overhang at the top, bent outward.
  • Electric Fencing: Low-voltage electric fencing is enough to serve as an excellent deterrent.
  • Sturdy Chimney Caps: Mount a sturdy cap over your chimney top. A step like this makes a raccoon’s entrance challenging.

5. Humane Trapping and Relocation

In case all of the above measures fail, intrusion would require trapping and relocation; hence, follow these tips:

  • Avail professional services from licensed pest control service providers to carry out the necessary raccoon trapping and relocation steps.
  • Do what the local wildlife laws and regulations say for trapping and relocation.  


Raccoons are both smart and destructive. Implementing proper strategies can greatly help protect your home from an infestation. With years of experience in raccoon control, Topline Pest Control can be your best partner for a pest-free home. Contact them today for peace of mind.